Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses rely heavily on cloud computing services to manage their operations efficiently. When it comes to cloud computing, one of the key decisions involves choosing the right instance purchasing options. With various options available, it can be overwhelming to determine the most suitable approach. In this article, we will focus …

Enabling Virtual Deliverability Manager in Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a cloud-based solution tailored for digital marketers and application developers aiming to distribute various emails, including marketing emails, notifications, and transaction-based communications. This service stands out for its reliability and cost-efficiency, making it an ideal choice for enterprises of varying sizes wishing to maintain consistent communication with their clientele. …

How AWS IQ Works

AWS offers a lot of platforms to meet various needs of businesses, which will help them grow and succeed. Now, some companies must complete a project, follow timelines and requirements, encounter challenges to specific services, and need help moving forward. Here comes AWS IQ, provided by Amazon Web Services, wherein customers and certified experts engage, …

How to Fix the “404 Forbidden” Error in WordPress

If you’re using WordPress and find yourself encountering 404 Not Found or Forbidden error pages, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. These errors can be distracting, but with a little troubleshooting, they can often be resolved. In this blog, we’ll explore common causes for these errors and provide you with instructions on what to …

Running a Cost-Effective Kubernetes Cluster using EKS and Fargate

Nowadays, there are different ways to build, test, and deploy your applications to your development, testing or production environments. Back in the 90’s, programmers used to just copy a ZIP file, a WAR file, or the binary files in the webapps directory of their monolithic web servers and then manually configure and restart their Apache, …

Observability in AWS Cloud using Amazon Managed Grafana

Modern applications nowadays have a distributed architecture that is composed of multiple components, sub-systems, and data sources. This poses a challenge in monitoring each component of your multi-tier application. You have to check your database, your application server, your Content Delivery Network (CDN), your storage systems, and other modules one by one. These services may …

Supercharging your Serverless Apps with AWS Lambda Function URL

We all know that “serverless” application doesn’t mean there’s no server running at all. It just means that your application is running on an AWS-managed server for a set amount of time, in which you don’t manage the server resources at all. Thus, it entails “less” server management. In this article, I will share the …

Real-time API Development made Easy using AWS AppSync and WebSockets

Developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have evolved through the years as the world transitions from desktop applications to web apps that are conveniently accessible online. Roy Fieldings’ dissertation – Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures in 2000 paved the way for the modern APIs that we enjoy today. Since then, various companies …

Using AWS Amplify to create your Own App in a Flash!

AWS Amplify is one of the many development services in the AWS platform that helps you build extensible, full-stack web and mobile apps faster. This revolutionary service allows you to easily start your application development and automatically scale your resources with less management overhead as it uses serverless services. Put simply, AWS Amplify deploys your …

Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

You can observe how users interact with your websites and online products using Google Analytics, which tracks users across all your websites and apps. The data collected contains the web pages your customers access and their activities, which include taps, scrolls, purchases, and other consumer actions. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has replaced the old Universal …